article by Mohd Mujahed

Interesting Facts About the DSH Cat Breed

DSH Cats are a good choice for fa...

DSH (Domestic Shorthair) cat breeds are also known as mixed breed cats, moggy cats, etc. Kittens and cats that belong to unknown lineage are commonly called domestic cats or mixed breeds.  These breeds are further categorized based on the length of their fur. 

Domestic short-haired cat is considered a standardized breed by any major breed registry. As these feline pals belong to unknown mixed breed origins, you can spot them in different color combinations. Even their temperament and personality largely vary based on their learning experiences and genetics. 

Keep reading to know more about the DSH cat breed!

History and Origin of Domestic Shorthair Cat

You can spot domestic shorthair cats all across the globe. Around 95% of the cats in the United States are domestic shorthair. It is important to note that DSH (Domestic Shorthair) is really not a breed. These cats have a blended ancestry. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians domesticated cats almost 4,000 years ago. It is also believed that the DSH cats are brought to Mayflower and put to work to reduce the population of the rodents on board. 

The physical agility of these cats helps them keep the pests away. Throughout history, the DSH cats have worked as great companions and workers to the families. 

Behavior and Personality of Domestic Shorthair Cat

Like the color and pattern varieties, domestic shorthair cats have numerous personalities. Most of the DSH cats are affectionate and playful in nature. They are incredibly docile and calm. They were bred as per the show's standards. Hence, they are sturdy and have strong legs. 

They are not aggressive by nature and make the best companions for children and seniors. The DSH cats are regarded as the working cat because of their endurance skills. They also have great hunting instincts. They have a keen sense of their surroundings as well. 

Popular Types of Domestic Shorthair Cats

Here are some of the popular domestic mixed-breed cats that will melt your heart:

American Shorthair

American shorthair mix is a natural hunter. Their dense coat is noteworthy and protects them from minor skin injuries and colds. You can spot American Shorthair in 80 different coat colors. They are strong, hardy, and healthy. Even they have a friendly demeanor and are extremely adaptable. Being people-oriented, you will see them content in varied households. Besides, they are easy to train. You will also love their playful and affectionate nature. 

  • Height: 8 to 10 inch
  • Weight: 11 to 15 pounds
  • Physical characteristics: Heavily muscled, large, wide-set eyes, round-tipped ears, square muzzles, full cheeks, powerful jaws. 
  • Lifespan: 15 to 20 years.
  • Coat color: Black, silver, brown, red, silver, golden, cream, tortoiseshell, etc.
  • Energy: Medium energy level
  • Shedding: Sheds throughout the year

  • British Shorthair

    When young, this DSH cat breed tends to exhibit playfulness and is usually high on energy. However, as they mature, they become very calm. They are affectionate and can behave aloof unless they get to know you better. They are pretty active and are not boisterous. It is not only their affectionate nature but also their appealing appearance that will surely attract you. If you want an easy-going and loyal DSH cat, go for British Shorthair. 

  • Height: 12 to 14 inches
  • Weight: 9 to 18 pounds
  • Physical characteristics: Thick coats, round faces, large and expressive eyes, strong legs, short necks, wide jowls, thick tail
  • Lifespan: 12 to 20 years
  • Coat color: Black, cream, silver, golden, cinnamon, fawn, blue, etc. 
  • Energy: High-energy levels
  • Shedding: Moderate shedders

  • Egyptian Mau

    The Egyptian cat breed is known for their intelligence and athleticism. This rare cat breed is also popular for its trainability and striking appearance. Egyptian Maus are one of the oldest domesticated shorthair. Their spotted coat pattern is attention-grabbing. This cat breed loves much love and fuss and is gentle with their owners. It is said that these feline pals have a dog-like personality. They are also known to be lap cats and are compatible with other pets. 

  • Height: 7 to 11 inches
  • Weight: 6 to 14 pounds
  • Physical characteristics: Muscular build, long hind legs, rounded paws, round eyes, 
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
  • Coat color: Silver, black, bronze, diluted shades of blue silver, smoky blue, bronze, caramel, smoke. 
  • Energy: High-energy level
  • Shedding: Sheds moderately

  • Abyssinian

    Another domestic shorthair cat that is popular for their intelligence, trainability, and playful nature is the Abyssinian cat. It is their tabby coats that add to their regal appearance. Abyssinian cats, or Abys, are the most popular breeds in the US. They are known for their curious and graceful nature. You can easily train them to perform tricks and walk on a leash. These cats are highly interactive as well. As they are a highly social breed, hence they can demand attention. 

  • Height: 8 to 10 inches
  • Weight: 8 to 12 pounds
  • Physical characteristics: Long and lean bodies, wedge-shaped head, slender legs, almond-shaped eyes, wedge-shaped heads, pointed ears
  • Lifespan: 9 to 15 years
  • Coat color: Ruddy reddish brown, fawn, cinnamon, blue
  • Energy: Highly active
  • Shedding: Do not shed excessively

  • Chartreux

    Chartreux is another DSH cat that is popular for its smile. The structure of its head and tapered muzzle make it look like it is smiling. This rare cat breed from France, also known as the blue cat of France, is very playful and active. They are also popular for having quick reflexes. These robust felines are extremely loyal, charming, and intelligent. They also enjoy exploring,  have strong hunting instincts, and are very curious about their surroundings. They love playing and do not demand hourly attention. 

  • Height: 9 to 11 inches
  • Weight: 7 to 17 pounds
  • Physical characteristics: Narrower face, thick, water-repellent coat, orange-colored eyes, muscular bodies, large and round face, fine-boned limbs
  • Lifespan: 11 to 15 years 
  • Coat color: Blue-gray, ash, slate
  • Energy: Medium energy level
  • Shedding: Sheds heavily once in a year

  • Grooming Tips for Your DSH Cats

    With proper grooming, care, and love, your DSH cat can live a healthy life. You will benefit as domestic shorthair cats need minimal grooming. 

    • Brush Coat Regularly: Make sure to brush your DSH cat’s coat weekly to keep it tangle-free and dust-free. You can use a rubber cat brush or natural bristle to remove loose hairs. Also, gently comb the cat’s hair using strokes in the direction where the hair grows. You can bathe your cat once or twice a month to maintain hygiene and reduce shedding. Make sure to closely examine the skin and coat of the cat during the grooming session. 
    • Ensure Dental Care: As the feline pals tend to contract dental issues, you must ensure proper dental care. In this regard, you should use a pet-designed toothbrush. This will help remove plaque and bacteria, thereby ensuring good oral health of the cat. 
    • Designated Playtime: You have to take care of their mental health. As the cat ages, you will see them needing more mental stimulation. You can opt for food puzzles to keep them entertained.  

    Domestic Shorthairs in Pop Culture

    Numerous famous personalities domesticated the DSH cats. You will see them featured in pop culture with Alison Brie, Kirsten Dunst, Crystal Dunn, Ernest Hemingway, Valarie Bertinelli, etc. You will also see Scottish Fold, which features celebrities like Taylor Swift and ED Shereen. 


    The domestic shorthair cats are also called the ‘mutts’ of the feline world. It is their mixed parentage that keeps them away from unusual health complications. As they come in different color and pattern combinations, they are considered the feline community's rainbow. 

    Though the DSH cats are easygoing, they need an outlet to satiate their feline instincts, such as hunting. To keep your feline pal safe and healthy, you must maintain a routine grooming schedule and a healthy diet. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • How well do the domestic shorthair cats get along with other pets?
  • Whether the DSH cats will get along with other pets completely depends on their personality. It is always wise to introduce your cat to a new pet gradually, allowing them to interact. 

  • How do you identify a DSH cat?
  • Not all the short-haired cats have the same structure and appearance. However, most of them are medium-sized and muscular. They have sturdy legs, round ears and eyes, round heads, and short and sleek coats. 

  • In what colors and patterns do the DSH cats come in?
  • As mixed-breed felines have anonymous mixed-breed origins, you can find them in different patterns and color combinations like tan, white, brown, orange, and black. They can also be in bicolor, tricolor, or tabby. 

  • Are the shorthair cats purebred?
  • Not all the shorthair cats are purebred. Domestic shorthair cats are mixed-breed felines. Some cat breeds, like the American shorthair cats, are purebred. 

  • What are the grooming requirements for DSH cats?
  • Domestic shorthair cats are comparatively low-maintenance. You do not have to give them regular baths. As they have short hairs, the coats do not get tangled easily. A quick brush a few times a week will do what is needed.

  • How big do shorthair cats get?
  • Domestic shorthair cats typically weigh between 6 to 16 pounds. Males usually weigh more than females. 

  • What should I do to take care of the DSH cat’s coat?
  • Domestic shorthair cats require minimal grooming owing to their short coat. Weekly brushing is enough to keep their coat healthy. The DSH cats are known to groom themselves. You will often see them grooming themselves. 

  • What is the average lifespan of Domestic Shorthair cats?
  • As per the ASPCA, the short-haired cats live up to 12 to 14 years. Some cats can also live up to 15 years. You must emphasize regular wellness care like diagnosis and vaccinations to take good care of them. 

  • How suitable are DSH cats for first-time cat owners?
  • Domestic shorthair cats are regarded as the best option for first-time cat owners. It is because of their adaptability. They also have minimal grooming requirements and are easy to take care of. However, some of them can have behavioral issues. Hence, talking to the shelter before taking them home is wise. 

  • Are there any specific health issues that are common for DSH cats?
  • DSH cats are prone to obesity. As the cats age, they can contract dental diseases. Loss of smell is very common. You can see changes in their eating habits and behaviors. Male cats are susceptible to certain health conditions like heart diseases and urinary tract problems. Other common health issues in both female and male DSH cats are upper respiratory infection, hyperthyroidism, hepatic lipidosis, etc. 

  • What is the best way I can litter train my DSH kitten?
  • In order to litter train your domestic shorthair cat, you must get the right litter, place the litter box in the right place, and lastly, introduce your cat to the litter box. Make sure to reward them whenever they listen to your command.

  • Are Domestic Shorthair Cats more social or independent?
  • Yes, DSH cats are extremely social and independent. They are popular for their playful and sociable nature. They also get along well with other pets and other children. They are also known to be keen observers and quick learners. 

  • What is the average cost of owning a DSH cat?
  • As per the statistics of CNN, the average food expenses of owning a cat range between $180 to $870. The amount varies based on the cat you have taken home. The expenses differ for wet food, dry food, litter, spay or neuter, toys, etc.  

  • Are DSH cats hypoallergenic?
  • No DSH cats are completely hypoallergenic. DSH cats may produce fewer allergens owing to their short coat as compared to the cat breeds with long-hair.

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